субота, 10. децембар 2011.

Fanbox - money factory

Like every other factory, this factory is producing something, and that something is pure money. With no effort or labor, just by using your knowledge. This factory had its industrial revolution, also known as knowledge revolution. I will reveal you the secret how you can profit from your passions.

To summarize:
1] In October, 2010. a friend of mine sent me link to join fanbox.

2] I made a photoblog with my own pictures of me and my friends.

3] The blog has been interesting to readers because of hot pictures.

4] Nobody likes to watch or read boring, long text blogs.

5] As my blog became more popular I was earning more money

6] I made few more similar blogs and all money, earned on fanbox, I invested in ads.

7] Than knoweladge revolution payed off. So far I cashed out more than $ 1.000.

8] Now, I am just sitting and profiting from my own factory of money - fanbox

 If you are interested, join fanbox and read my full story bellow.

I was very curious and decided to make my first two blogs about love songs and photo blog with my own photos. I was thinking like "nobody will be interested to watch no body blogs" I mean blogs with no photos of people, since human body is very mysterious in my opinion.

Since I didn`t have money in fanbox bank account, I didn`t invest in making ads. Not many readers see those blogs, I didn`t have success. After a while, I earned few dolars by other reading my blogs. Than I asked myself why don`t I make my first ad? That was key point, I`ll explain you later why.

A week after start of my first ad, I spent all my money from fanbox bank and and didn`t earn nothing.
It was November, I decided to give up. What a crap is this, wasting of time, I was thinking.
Coincidentally at December, I log in fanbox and saw I earned $20. Hm, maybe this is not so bad.

I got inspiration to make more blogs, actually photoblogs, regard my first photoblog had more earnings.
I invested all in ads and it payed back to me. I hit jack pot by made interesting photoblog and attractive ad.

As far I have earned almost $4,000 but great majority of that was spent on ads. For example of that $4,000 near $3,000 were spent on ads. So rest of $1,000 is my bank balance.

My first $25 were cashed out after 4,5 months of using fanbox. And since now I cahsed out more than $800. It is not short period of time to get payed the money but now I just enjoy in writing new posts, coments and few new blogs every month.